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Eduardo Jaklitsch



Born in Barcelona, Spain

Lives & works in Mallorca and Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Spain.



Eduardo Jaklitsch nace en Barcelona el 20 de octubre de 1954. Su padre, un artista pintor de origen austríaco y su madre, española, marcarán su infancia con este mestizaje cultural que posteriormente se vera reflejado en sus principales obras.

Ingeniero Industrial de profesión, Eduardo vive durante 20 años en diferentes países y ciudades entre los que destaca Puebla, en México, donde compagina su profesión de ingeniero con su afición por la pintura desde la técnica del óleo.


A partir de esta etapa, en sus 3 viajes posteriores, toma diferentes referencias de artistas callejeros en Brasil,  Portugal y Japón , pero no es hasta su regreso en 2007 a su tierra, cuando redescubre las obras de su padre y la luz y el colorido de la Colonia de Sant Jordi en Mallorca. 

Es en este momento cuando inspirado por la belleza del entorno que lo rodea e impactado por la herencia pictórica de su padre, inicia un viaje interior que le obliga a plasmar sus recuerdos de manera regular, dejando como resultado una colección de obras inspiradas en la naturaleza.


La temática paisajística de sus obras tiene un indiscutible protagonista: el mar. Hijo del mediterráneo, el mar ha sido el conductor de una vida nómada. Una constante de azules, rojas, verdes, y amarillas raíces que le han devuelto siempre al hogar. Eduardo carga sus pinturas de una bellísima nostalgia que transmite al espectador con al lenguaje universal del sentimiento.


Actualmente reside en la Colonia de Sant Jordi, en Mallorca y en Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. En esta última localidad, es miembro de la asociación de pintores FIRART. También es miembro del Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona y del Institut Barcelonès d'Art.

Eduardo Jaklitsch was born in Barcelona on  october 20, 1954. His father was an Austrian artist born in Germany and his mother was from Spain, so he spent his childhood vividly marked by different cultural threads and traditions.

Having trained as an Industrial, engineer, Eduardo's profession took him to many different countries and cities over the course of 20 years. A particular highlight in his professional career took him to live for 7 years in the city of Puebla, in Mexico. It was there when he could combine his duties as engineer with his new hobby: painting in oils and honing his technical skills. From then on, Eduardo was determined to absorb influences from different street artists where he travelled, including on his frequent visits to Brazil, Portugal an Japan.

It was only when he finaly moved back to his hometown in 2007 that Eduardo rediscovered his father's pieces of work, and saw with fresh eyes the bright and expressive colors of la Colonia de Sant Jordi in Mallorca.
From that moment, tacking inspiration from the beauty he was surrendered, Eduardo began a discovery journey that now brings him to depict his most beautiful memories. And it is
through these memories that he reveals his own artistic lineage, and brings forth his father's heritage.

In each of his paintings, Eduardo presents the sea as a protagonist. He paints as a son of the Mediterranean, and so the sea is a principal character in his memories and always shows its beautiful and bright colors. He also communicates this beauty to the spectator through the universal language of feelings that evoke longing and nostalgia.

Currently, Eduardo lives between Colonia Sant Jordi in Mallorca and Sant Cugat del Vallès in Barcelona. He is 
member of FIRART painter's association in San Cugat and member of Royal Cercle Artistic of Barcelona, and Institut Barcelonès d'Art.



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